
April 30th, 2012

So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking. They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts. Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, with a continual lust for more.

Ephesians 4:17-19

The light of the Lord permeates everything we touch and do as a believer.  The light of the glory of the Lord so permeated Moses that, when the man of God died, the angel Michael contested with the devil over what they would do with the bones (Jude 1:9).  The glory so filled Elisha, that even when his bones were long dead and dry, a dead man falling against them returned to life (2 Kings 13:21).

When we approach God’s Word, we must realize that it is Spiritual.  The world we understand and see is physical, and while it has a bearing on the spiritual, it in itself is not spiritual.  What we see and what man thinks of as being spiritual is plainly not (John 3:3-5).

But, by the Spirit,we see heaven, the angels, and we see the Lord Himself (Acts 9:10, Acts 18:9).  These are the things of the Spirit, which is more substantive than that which we call this Earth.

But this is Spirituality, that we would grow up into our Head, growing by the milk of the Word.  That we take on His nature and do everything through with the pattern that He demonstrates.

There is a mystery to be revealed, and a treasure to be found.  There is a depth to be uncovered, if we are willing to seek it out and discover it.

All God’s promises are Yes and Amen to us who believe, but it is often up to us to continue to pursue until we have received.

Just Beyond the periphery of what we understand, there is that whisper, that faint edge, that if we pay close enough attention, we will notice, and not miss it.  If we can uncover it, and know it, usually selling everything else in the process, we will have found a new piece of God’s heart.  Not that it has never been seen, used, or known, but it is new for us, today, right now.

Some things come with great fanfare, and some things only come to those who wait upon Him.  He shares His secrets with those who fear Him, who wait for Him continually.

Those who have not the Spirit have lost their sensitivity.  It is no wonder that they cannot perceive even good nor evil in their souls, nor anything of God.  But, as we obey the truth, and our souls are purified by it (1 Peter 1:22), who can help but to recognize the operation of God in the lives of men?  Who can help but to begin to prophesy, to see angels and vision, and to move in realms of the Spirit that God has gifted His people with?

These are His gifts, and as great grace is out-poured upon His people (Joel 2:28), God desires that we above everything else come to seek Him, and get to know His heart, and His emotions, and His desires.

What good is it to move a mountain and have no love?  What would it profit a man to be the most gifted intercessor if he couldn’t pray God’s heart?  What would it profit a man to gain the whole world but lose his soul?

There is so much more to the Holy Ghost than goosebumps, a rattle and roll, and some good prophecy.  There is so much more to this perfect heart, this pure person who is God.  If it isn’t about the external, the miracles and signs and wonders, which merely point to something more, then this more that we must embrace is called who God is, and no one can teach you that, except as He leads you.

This is the realm of the Spirit, into the innermost chambers of His heart.

It costs everything, every day, all the time.  There is no shortcut, there is very little in the realm of method, other than prayer, with fasting, His Word, and His Spirit to guide you.  People can help, but they can never take you past the door, Beyond where you know.

But, Moses was eighty years old when he saw his bush on fire, and the true Word says that when God saw that Moses turned aside, He spoke to the man out of the bush.  The bush was on fire, and Moses saw it.  But, when God saw Moses still had enough wonder, awe, and interest that he turned aside to look at this thing, then God spoke to him and gave him his mission.  A mission he had tried forty years earlier and had failed at miserably, not understanding the heart.  But, a much older, seasoned man now, with as much time in Egypt as out of it, as much a king as a servant, he was able to fulfill it.

Moses, who wrote the books of Moses, wrote this,

Now Moses was a very humble man, more humble than anyone else on the face of the earth.

Numbers 12:3

And, it was to this man that God said He spoke face to face, as with a friend.  A man who listened, or heard, and who turned aside to see something new, something unique, something that had never been seen before.  A bush burning, but not consumed.

If we lose the ability to sense the new, we will have lost the ability to enter into the place God wants to take us.  If we can let Him show us, He can take us out of what we have known, into the fullness of His greater thing…