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Make Me A Flame

September 16th, 2014


Who maketh his angels spirits; his ministers a flaming fire:

Psalm 104:4

In all the world, there remains one thing better.

In the history of man, one thing has escaped them all.

Despite the rule of tyrants, despite the schemes of men, despite the ways of wickedness, freedom always wins.

Consider the plan of God. He brought forth a man, and he fell. The people grew corrupt, so in fury He slew them all.

Eight lived, through the ark, and those eight were pure. But, corruption came again to Earth, and Noah’s sons did turn.

Not all right away, but some did.

Until God, in His Ways, chose right, and picked a man.

Abraham came forth from Ur, and he was to be a new breed. His people would out number the stars, and Hid kind the sand of the seas.

God chose another people to be free.

But, corruption struck again, here. And, the people chose to not believe. Some did the few, but God’s ways were not always seen.

Not among the noble, not among the smart. Not among the best in class, but here and there a jewel.

But, all throughout the histories you see, God brough forth a people. A people whose head was only His, and a people who coul see.

When we see the centuries of the church, we can see, God’s hand is on it all along.

There is a reason why there is still a free people. And, there is a reason why there is a goodness. And, it’s only name is Jesus. And He is the living Lord.

He makes His angels winds, and He makes His ministers fire.

Nothing can grasp the wind, and no one can touch a flame.

Though the hand reached for it, it does not yield, but finds its own perfect way.

Study the flame, and you will see, therr is no holding onto thee. It burns where either it solely wants, and once it’s done, it’s gone.

Make me that flame, with no more stay, than to consume the trees. Make plenty the firewood in the place, that I might therr burn it well.

Forgetting what was, and not heeding what will, the fire hunger never is filled.

But when the light has died down low, to everlasting burning go.