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In Pursuit of the Treasure

May 12th, 2012

Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field.

Matthew 13:44

The selling of everything can be perceived painful at times, it really can.  That is, in pursuit of this treasure of the Kingdom, which we have seen, while we are attempting to make it completely ours, there is that which is difficult and even hurtful, nearly to the point of death it can seem at times.  But, it is the nature of the Kingdom, however, that it is always worth the effort.

For the children of Israel in the desert, they complained that their trials were hard (Numbers 11:1).  Yet, what they couldn’t see was who the Lord was in their midst, and the wonderfulness of all of His great promises towards them (Hebrews 4:2).

There is that which in the pursuit of the Kingdom that seems hard.  There is that which is painful to the soul, and dry and hurtful.  But, the Kingdom is about the treasure.  When we keep in our eyes the goodness of the Lord, and the preciousness of this life and His promises, both in this life and the next, the process becomes no longer about the hardships, but about His Presence, His love.

There is, of course, a different kind of “religion” that simply endures hardships as though they were in some way good in themselves.  This type of pursuit has never brought life, but is dead and worthless.  Simply to hold a garage sale to raise money when there is nothing to sell is as worthless as the white sands without an ocean to go swimming.  But, when you have a goal in mind, and there is something worthwhile to buy with the increase, the rigors of the holy life become worth it.

The difference, of course, between the man who sees the treasure of the Kingdom and the lunatic, of course, is the worth of the treasure.  Not some “religious good feeling”, which is merely a soulish, fleshly pride, but that portion of the Almighty Himself, that precious and magnificent gift, that unction of the Holy One Himself.

This is worth everything, above all the Earth.  This is the dominion of the Lord Jesus Christ, the majesty and might of His Kingdom force.

When we buy this treasure, and whatever field in which it comes, we reign upon the Earth with Him, so long as we follow after Him.  When we own this portion, no amount of trial or hardship is too great.

As the apostle Paul was shown what He must suffer, and as Jesus Himself was shown what He must endure, but also the joys to come, when we remember the promise, when we remember that great glory of His name, His great splendor in the heavens, and the unsurpassed greatness of who He is, with none to compare, when we see that more and more, through worship, prayer, and adoration, the loss of this life becomes inconsequential.

To lose this life, is to find His, and to find His, is to lose this life.

To touch that realm is to lose this one, and to accept Christ is to suffer the loss of all things (Philippians 3:8).

But, if we take another step, and then another, and then another, we will find ourselves, one day, in possession of the fullness of His name.  If we will be faithful in the little that we have been given, always, even in the hard times, He will be pleased to endue us with such power and authority that the World will not be able to compare.

Yet, use it for His Kingdom, and His will alone, and so bring great joy to our Father above, and not to selfish ends.