To Be Perfect

April 14th, 2012

Now a man came up to Jesus and asked, “Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?”

Matthew 19:16

The man came to the Master, asking for Eternal life.  Jesus, the truth, never told any lies, or exaggerated anything, but told Him the honest answer.  He had to sell everything.

We know, of course, the Teacher never was interested in our possessions, per se, but rather, our hearts.  Obviously, the man had issues in his heart, for he valued the treasures of this world above that of the world.  But, these were Jesus’ words, that the man might be perfect.

This was the heart of Jesus for this man, that he would be perfect.  The disciples had paid this price, and left everything, but for some reason, this man couldn’t yet see the true riches of the Kingdom as being greater than that of the Earth.  But, God has His way of turning the heart of every man, even as the Lord said, with man this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible.

God knows how to apply the pressure to a man, to show him what is required.  But, does it ever even burn in us to ask?  This man had the courage to ask, and an answer was given.  How many of us would even ask?

He had kept the commandments, yet didn’t understand love.  He had been faithful with the little, and the unrighteous mammon, but he couldn’t quiet yet see with the eyes of faith.

True faith sees the Eternal, the Everlasting, the incorruptible.   It accepts the reproach and the shame, at any cost, to obtain the beautiful, most precious and holy thing.  This most precious thing, this gift of the Holy Spirit, this Kingdom of heaven among men.

This was what the man couldn’t see.  And, what did the man lack?  Treasure in heaven.  This was what was to be gained.  If he had that, like Jesus said, His heart would have been there also.

Pursuit of Eternal Life, without our treasure being there, will not likely work for us any better than it did for him.  He knew the commandments, the life, but his heart was still in his treasure.  But, perhaps the Lord will worked in his heart after a while, we do not know from the Scriptures.  But, only let us desire to be perfect.  Only let us look to that great judgement throne to come, and believe, surrendering all that we are, that we might see the perfection that He is.

It is only in this, that He is in us, that we live His life.  It is in keeping His commands that we demonstrate that we love Him.  But, when we no longer love this world, and love that one instead, we can be assured that our emotions will bring us into the desire of heaven.

There is no earthly reward, no earthly benefit that can possibly reward us as much as that great wonder of His great white throne.  There is no more awesome nor greater place than before the Lord of all the heavens and the Earth.

There is a cost to be perfect, and it’s more than you’re willing to pay, most likely.  But, if you can see it, the true, the precious, the Eternal, all your “no”s will be gone, and you will surrender your entire being to the King of all Heaven.

Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

Matthew 5:48