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Do it for Faith

January 21st, 2012

The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.

Galatians 5:6 NIV, portion

The Kingdom consists of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost (Romans 14:17).  It is seen only through the eyes of faith (John 3:3).  There is a way that seems right, but it’s name is really religion. Let us consider two similar looking scenarios.

Suppose a man understands by the Word of God that laying down everything in this life is worth it, and that God is a rewarder of those who diligently pursue Him.  This is a basic truth, and whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.  But, there are two ways to approach this, ultimately.

One looks at the situation through the eyes of faith.  To know that God will reward you is called hope.  It is not based on a current reality and it is not faith, as faith is having the substance.  But, suppose you have faith in the reward that God will give.  Jesus did, and for the joy set before Him, He endured the cross, despising it’s shame.  That’s faith.

To lay down everything you own for a treasure you’ve found and desire to possess is strictly Biblical (Matthew 13:44).  This is the path towards Good News.  Though no one else can have faith for what you’ve seen, you see it, and simply belief compels the possessor of it to make whatever changes are necessary to buy that field.

Consider, however, someone who simply has the doctrine of faith, but not faith itself.  They set out in quite the same manner.  They may have a measure of faith, but a large deal of hope.  They may look towards the potential of future joy and pursue.  They will progress, and in some things, they will even see fruit, and feel that they are successful in acquiring faith.  But again, God rewards those who pursue Him.  But, this is not yet necessarily by Faith!

But, what happens when opposition comes?  They begin to melt.  They begin to back off.  That which seemed so easy before becomes hard, and it is not so easy to pursue.

If they do not have faith, it is hard to stand.  Faith is the ‘hypostasis’, the sub-structure, the foundation, if you will, of standing in the Kingdom.  It is the proof of the thing you have not yet seen.  Without faith, it is impossible to please God.

So, some, assuming they have had faith, find themselves unable to proceed.  Some failure is acceptable.  God often has to humble us to teach us, and when we fall down, He is there to pick us up and show us Himself!

But the test, the trial, actually isolates faith.  When the pressure comes on, and the storm rages, faith is tested.  Initial failure does not necessarily indicate the lack of faith, either.  But, as one continues to get up again, though they fall many times, it proves the genuineness of the initial faith.

Surely, to sell all without knowing about the treasure is foolishness, a thing God never prescribed.  But, here is where the issue is.  The man with faith stands through the test, but the man with insufficient purity of faith may fail the test.  This can prove the place that faith needs to increase, or it bring great trial.  Yet, for the man who has not yet understood faith, has not received enough pure faith to stand in a situation is also standing on the word, yet appears to fall.

This is the rub, the point of differentiation.  There are some who, at this point, give up, and like the seed planted on rocky soil, give up at least for a period of time.  There are others, whoever, who realize that the Word is the Word, and that if there is a failure, it is on their end, continue to let the Word process, cut, and illuminate themselves.  Through their failure, they hear, and faith comes!  This is the proper place of instruction.  As we fall down, continuing to come to Christ to help us, He teaches us and His Spirit guides us into all Truth.  We learn what we did not know, and we begin standing where once we fell.  In the end, this is how we build faith.

But, for the one who only went on an idea, and not spiritual faith, unless faith comes, he cannot stand on the Word, even though it is true.  For as the Israelites fell in the wilderness and could not enter His rest because of their unbelief, those who do not mix their promises with faith can suffer the same result.

The grace of God is enough to overcome any obstacle.  While it is harder for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven (comprised of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost), probably because in order to get rich, one usually has to care more about business than they do about relationship and the heart, Jesus said it was impossible with man, but that everything was possible through God for him who believes!  What a great God, willing and able to save!

So, while the one with faith stands, the one still struggling with faith may wobble, teeter, and tip over at times, but, because of the root, because of the part of faith that is there and because there is, somewhere, some true belief, he gets back up again, and tries and tries and never gives up until faith comes.

No one can instruct a man in faith except for God.  People can help, and they can share the Lord’s teachings, which will encourage and streamline anyone’s faith teaching.  But, it is the duty of each person to not only learn faith, but learn to live by it, for the just shall live by faith.

But, it is always the right thing to take God’s Word for what it says, for no word of it will ever fail.  Only, if we do not see the results we desire, let us call out, with a humble and grateful heart, and ask the Lord to reveal His perfect faith, His perfect flow of the Spirit, and to submit our hearts entirely to Him.  To the faithful, He shows Himself faithful, and the pure, He shows Himself pure.

We should never be discouraged when we seem to not reach the desired end, but simply stand up again.  Jesus said any faith is enough, and faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word.  We should not assume that we have faith.  But, we must never doubt the Word, and what it says, we must seek.

He said, seek and we would find, ask and it will be given, knock and it will be opened.  If we continue in persisting, He will give us what we ask for.

If we do it, and continue to do it, and continue to believe as best we can, He will add to our faith, He will supply the missing part, until it comes, and continues to come, until we are the ever flowing stream, with rivers of living water pouring forth from our bellies.

It need not ever stop, only let us continue with hearts of humility and faithfulness, until the fullness is seen.