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Eyes on the Sky

September 26th, 2011

Seek first the Kingdom of God, and his Righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.

Matthew 6:33

The Kingdom is invisible, in the heavens (John 3:3).  It is the unseen dominion, greater and more sufficient than the natural, which, from its excess, overflows into what we can see.

What we can see, feel, and experience is not the Spirit.  What we can see is not the Kingdom.  What we touch with the soul and body is but our response to God.

To see the Kingdom is to seek that which is Beyond.  We are not looking just for a revival, although revival will be a part of it.  We are not looking directly for miracles, however, they are the signs that should accompany what we find.

To only look at the material effect of what the Kingdom can produce is to admit that you are blind, lame, poor, and naked (Revelation 3:17).

It is only when you can see Beyond, to the Kingdom, that you are living right.  It is only when you can actually, according to Luke 14:26, hate your natural life for the higher, spiritual life, that you are truly free.

This is the point of the Gospel, to bring us to know God (John 17:3).  And, not from the teaching of a man, but to be taught by God!  John 16:13, John 6:45, 1 Thessalonians 4:9.

The gospel is about power, not words.  There is right doctrine, and there is demonstration, but the Kingdom is real in and of itself today.  Jesus is a real person, not a doctrinal statement.  It is His primarily job to teach us (Matthew 23:8).

If it is your job to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12), then it is requirement to expect others to do the same.  If it was the word that brought you your faith (Romans 10:17), it is your responsibility to bring others not to your faith, but to what brings it to them, that same word.

This world will pass away.  This life of ministry will pass.  It is the word of God that stands forever, and it faith, hope, and love that remain.  There is still a place today for apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, and evangelists, to the equipping to the maturity of the faith to the full statue of Christ, and there will never be a shortage of “work”, but it is the wrong focus to lead people to yourself.

We must not be interested in only revival.  We must not be interested only in miracles.  We must not be interested only in habitation.  We MUST be about the Kingdom.  We MUST see that which cannot be seen.  We must know the love that surpasses knowledge!

If we miss the Kingdom, we miss out on reward.  1 Corinthians 3:13 explains how each mans work will be tested with fire.  It explains how the fire, the burning, reveals the quality of the work, and that only what lasts through the fire, the gold, silver, and precious stones, is rewarded.

If we miss the Eternality of what Jesus brought, if we miss the depth of Pentecost, if we miss the global, eternal, indwelling of the living Christ, we have missed the substance for which we were born again.  If we do not catch sight of the vision of Heaven, requiring the attendance at three of the feasts of the Lord of every Israelite (Passover, Pentecost, Tabernacles), we have departed from the pattern.

If we live for any other purpose, with any other vision, we add unbearable loads to ourselves and others.  We may not see its strain if we do not choose to build high in the Spirit, but then, despite how big our ministry looks in the natural, we will have accomplished very little for God.

The church at Laodicia thought they had it all.  But, Jesus said they were wretched, poor, pitiful, and blind.  He counselled them to come to Him for the truth, for the real substance.

When revival does come to America, we can expect to see a swell of devotion, but what makes it last?  It is the word of Faith, it is consecration.  It is wonderful to feel God’s glory, but if we experience the freedom and life that comes from it, and then immediately go out to our own lifestyle, we will lose what we gained, and the ensuing results from not still being in the shelter that God just provided (the glory), the storm that will come afterwards, will be far worse than when we started.

We must cry out for the repentance of old.  We must cry out to be changed at a very deep heart level.  There is a genuine work of the Spirit, but the spirit of the age is strong, and unless we abandon all, we will not long hold onto the part of the Kingdom we touch.  We may be saved, but as one with the smell of smoke, with little or no reward.

People volunteer willingly in the day of His power (Psalm 110:3), but will we be also willing to go on from there to “it is no longer I that live, but it is Christ within me.  The life I live, I live by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, who loved me, and gave Himself up for me.” (Galatians 2:20).

If we aim for revival, it is all we’ll get, and it will be gone in a few months.  If we aim for miracles, we might maintain something for a while, but there will be no need for it in Eternity.  If we aim for a ministry, some day, all this age will turn to dust.

Unless we set our vision, or goal, for what truly lasts, The Kingdom of God, Today, Now, Here on the Planet now, the Domain of the Living Christ, both in our hearts, manifested through us onto the Earth in accordance with Matthew 6:10, the actual, tangible, spiritual, and POWERFUL dynamic movement of the spirit realm of heaven, the majesty of the King, the wonder of IMMANUEL, God with us, not God will be with us, not we will be with God, but THE ETERNAL living within men, now, as a present reality, that sees all, knows all, fathoms all.  That knowable now reality of who God is, what He wants, what makes Him happy.  Unless we set our eyes on that, we will MISS the reward God in wants us.  And, if we end up last in this life because of it, rejoice, for you will be first in that one.

But, if we let revival touch us.  If we let it destroy our lives, our agendas, our materialistic way of thinking, even if the circus of revival passes with the season, the touch will not, the faith will not, the love will not.  Even if we lose the showiness of the meetings, we will not lose the most precious thing, the priceless pearl, hidden treasure, the Son of Man.

But, there is only One Thing that is needed, and, if we choose it, it will not be taken away from us.  Luke 10:42