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Don’t Miss God’s Plan

September 11th, 2011

Don’t miss God’s plan…  It doesn’t’ include you, per say, although it does…  You’ll be there, when you’re in His love, but it’ll be His power.

But, a whole nation missed it, because the physician was sent to the sick, and not to the well.  Those who said they saw, their sin remained, but to those who cried out in poverty, desperation, and misery, the Son came.

Only the eyes of a child can see it, and only the pure can remain.  Only by the blood, and only as a child.  Nothing else matters in Eternity, nothing.

Are you standing in His Spirit?  Is He your power, alone?

The path of the Spirit is narrow, and demands everything.  Even Jesus said to count the cost before you began.  It costs everything, every day, for your whole life.  But, it is worth EVERYTHING.

Even Moses, sent by God, nearly died along the way.  He neglected to circumcise his son, and the angel of the LORD nearly slew him as he approached his God-given mission.  It was only his wife that preserved him, and called him her bridegroom of blood.

Even sent on a mission from God, there is a perfect way to go.

The pure, perfect, and humble way, is Jesus.  When all is said and done, when we recognize Him as the true tabernacle, there is only one Message of the Kingdom, and it is that of the King Himself.

There are angels, there are trances, there are visitations and habitations.  There is joy unspeakable and full of glory, and there is freedom, and liberty, and revelation, and wisdom.  And, yet they are all in Christ.

Of all the revelations of the Bible, get this one in this day and hour.  There are many things that seem to have a form of wisdom, and a form of spirituality, but if it robs the cross of its power, it is false, and have no part of it.

Only one altar was allowed in Jerusalem, one place of sacrifice, and one place of incense.  It was the city God had chosen.  The high places had to be torn down, the places of incense and the places unsanctioned by God.  In every successive generation of the Kings of Israel and Judah, this was what God continually pointed to as their sin, not turning to the Lord with all of their hearts.

You see, many people have tapped into some form of spirituality.  Even Nebuchadnezzar caught something of the spiritual, in a manner of speaking.  He said, bow down to this image, or else end up in a fiery hot place called the furnace.  Some time later, God the Father says, worship this, the image of the invisible God my Son (Colossians 1:15), or else end up in this fiery hot place called gehenna, hell.  Someone with sensitivity can too get caught up in spiritual seeming things, but if it isn’t the altar of sacrifice in Jerusalem, it could just be one of those damnable high places that need to be torn down.

Yet Colossians says we are free from the elementary principles of this world.  In God’s awesome plan, He demonstrated the pattern of Christ through the pattern of the tabernacle.

There is not power in an altar today, and there is not holiness in a man-made building.  In the Jews, in the God-made pattern, these were still only a shadow of the real, yet when we build these today, they are imperfect copies, not of the original, but of the shadow.  They are replicas of the shadow, not the person of Christ.  Imperfect replicas or counterfeits of a shadow that do not even capture the original shadow will always fall short of the man Jesus.  But, the substance is in Christ.  The reality is a Person.  The Truth is in His Spirit.

The Jews missed the door set before them.  They failed to see that in a simple, humble, son of a carpenter, dwelt the Godhead bodily, that it was their very maker.  Today, we miss His Kingdom in our midst, because we look too much towards the flesh.

But, Jesus is seated with the Father above, and the reality of everything spiritual is in Him.

If we get caught up in the basic principles that run this world, we have become subject to it, and not to Him, who has transcended and is seated above.

We have one altar, the cross.  We have one torn veil, even His Flesh.  We have one temple, even His body, and we have one place of worship, His Holy Mountain, His Eternal City, within His Spirit.

What the Jews couldn’t see was there in the Spirit before them.  The Roman Centurion recognized it, and saw His Authority.  Jairus saw it, and knew that despite being a leader, that Jesus was the only way of life for his daughter.

Jesus will not leave us, if we come to Him.  But, the spirit of unbelief blinds us to the visible.  When all we see is what the arm of the flesh can provide, our hearts are fat, and our eyes are blind.  When all we can do is imitate a religious worship, we settle for broken shadows, and dead images.  But, when we meet a man, whom they eye of the flesh may not see, and we bow to His Name, we come alive!

There is no life in form, and there is no hope in a shadow.  Come to Jesus, and don’t miss His Plan.