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Owe No Man

May 29th, 2015

Coins in HandOwe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.

Romans 13:8 KJV

For love is the fulfillment of the Law.  This is the road to freedom, owing no man anything.

Once we have settled it in our hearts that we serve only the Christ, His Spirit, and once we have established Him alone as the source of life, freedom comes as we give it.

A man once said another one had a love debt–a level of love that was unmet within the heart.  But, among all the other remedies, the greatest was simpy to forgive our debtors, that Christ might forgive me.

Spiritual progress has more to do with not doing, than it ever did with doing.  While Christ suffered for us, the fight that we must fight is the fight of faith.

When we find ourselves controlled or manipulated, we must search deep within and find, are we controlling?  Are we manipulating?

Truly, with the same measure we use, it will be measured to us.  If we have no need from someone, we cannot be controlled by them (this includes the need to continue living).  It is when we are free from all expectations of others, we are free from their yokes.  When we do not put any expectations upon other people, they cannot hurt and control us.

At the root of being controlled is having control within.  Jesus said, the prince of this world comes, but he has nothing in me (John 14:30).  When we know and recognize what is coming against us, it truly is the places where we are trapped in a debt we cannot or should not pay (or think we do), or we come under the servitude of another.  Whom you submit yourself to, you are slave to obey.

So, we must endeavor no one anything, except love.  Do you feel you must “save the world”?  Then find the place where your world was not saved, and forgive whoever did not save you.  When you release that debt, your debt to save others, which was not from God, will be released from you.  And, then, you will be free to love.

Owe no one anything, and be owed nothing.  Only in this way are you free from the enemies wiles.  Forgive, and you will be forgiven, hold no obligation to any pastor, church, leader, father, mother, sibling, or any other.  Naked you came into the world, and naked you leave.  You have your breath, and today, live and be rejoicing in the Lord!