Historical Problems with Partial Preterism Answered

IV.     The Problems with Partial Preterism:

A. The Historical Problem

The first and most obvious problem with Partial Preterism is that it contradicts known human history—and it does so utterly and completely.  To be sure, Partial Preterism must be confronted head-on with the following historical realities: During the seven-year period surrounding or bisecting by 70 A.D.,

  • Did ten powerful nations subrogate their respective national sovereignties and form a ten-nation world empire (Dan. 7:24)?  No.
  • Did a Western political leader rise to power to lead these ten powerful nations (Dan. 7:24-25; Rev. 17:12-13)?  No.
  • Did men and women throughout the earth make an idol or image of a world political leader to worship (Rev. 13:11-19)?  No.
  • Did men and women throughout the earth receive the mark of the beast on their right hand or forehead (Rev. 13:11-19)?  No.
  • Were men and women throughout the earth forbidden to buy or sell goods unless they had the mark of the beast on their right hand or forehead (Rev. 13:11-19)?  No.
  • Was one-fourth of the earth’s population killed (Rev. 6:7-8)?  No.
  • Did every mountain and island move out of its place (Rev. 6:12-17)?  No.
  • Did men and women throughout the earth hide in caves and mountains out of sheer fright (Rev. 6:12-17)?  No.
  • Was another one-third of the earth’s population killed (Rev. 9:15-18)?  No.
  • Was a third of the earth burned up (Rev. 8:7)?  No.
  • Was a third of the earth’s green grass burned up (Rev. 8:7)?  No.
  • Were a third of the earth’s trees burned up (Rev. 8:7)?  No.
  • Did a third of the earth’s seas become blood (Rev. 8:8-9)?  No.
  • Did a third of the earth’s sea creatures die (Rev. 8:8-9)?  No.
  • Were a third of the world’s ships destroyed (Rev. 8:8-9)?  No.
  • Did a third of the earth’s rivers and lakes become bitter, causing many men to die from these waters (Rev. 8:10-11)?  No.
  • Was a third of the earth prevented from seeing the sun, moon, and stars (Rev. 8:12)?  No.
  • Did two Jewish witnesses, having the power to shut up the sky and to smite the earth with every plague, prophesy in Jerusalem for three and a half years (Rev. 11:3-6)?  No.
  • Did the Antichrist double-cross and destroy Apostate Christendom (the “Harlot”) (Rev. 17:15-18)?  No.
  • Did the Antichrist subdue three of his ten heads of state (Rev. 7:24)? No.
  • Was the Antichrist’s Empire judged and destroyed in one hour, causing wailing and lament among the earth’s shipmasters and merchants (Rev. 18:9-20)?  No.
  • Did the earth’s oceans turn to blood and every living thing in the seas die (Rev. 16:3)?  No.
  • Did the earth’s fresh water supply turn to blood (Rev. 16:4-7)?  No.
  • Did mankind find itself scorched with fierce heat, causing men and women throughout the earth to blaspheme God (Rev. 16:8-9)?  No.
  • Did men and women throughout the Antichrist’s Empire gnaw their tongues and blaspheme God because of intense pain (Rev. 16:10-11)?  No.
  • Did the Euphrates River dry up, enabling the kings and armies of the East to gather in northern Israel (Rev. 16:12-16)?  No.
  • Did a world-wide earthquake take place during which all the cities of the nations fell (Rev. 16:18-19)?  No.
  • Did the Antichrist’s Empire break into three parts and fall into the ocean, never to be found again (Rev. 16:19; 18:21)?  No.
  • Did Jesus Christ return bodily to the earth to the Mount of Olives (Rev. 19:11-16; Acts 1:11)? No.