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Faith is not Seen

September 17th, 2011

One word from God’s lips is worth more than a thousand others.

The law of the Lord is perfect, restoring the soul.  The testimony of the Lord is sure, enlightening the eyes.

The precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart.  The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes.

The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever.  The ordinances of the Lord are true, and righteous altogether.

More to be desired are they than gold, yea than much fine gold.  Sweeter also than honey in the honey-comb.

Moreover by them is your servant warned.  In keeping them, there is great reward.

Psalm 19:7-11

Jesus was the master, and He taught us how to live.  He taught us to separate ourselves from all uncleanness and worldliness  (James 1:27), and to live for the Kingdom (Matthew 6:33).

In Matthew 13:44, Jesus describes the Kingdom of Heaven as a treasure hidden in a field.  He says that is for joy that the man who found it, hid it again, sold all he had, and bought that field.

For sure, this is what Jesus did in coming to the Earth.  He saw the field of the world, the treasure of his bride, and paid the full ransom price for us by His own blood.  He did this in faith about what He saw, “for the joy set before Him.”

Yet, if this parable were limited in scope to this, it would have very little application to us today, other than yet another homiletic and devotional for Jesus to talk about His own work.

Rather, this parable describes the operation of the Kingdom, and is instructional to us as well as portraying Jesus’ choices.  Its most perfect, bold example IS the cross, but it is not limited to that.  Instead, it describes EVERY walk of faith.

You see, when one receives a Word of the Kingdom (Matthew 13:19), those words that are Spirit and Life (John 6:33), whenever heaven reveals anything to you, you have a choice about whether to make that word yours by mixing it with faith.  You can receive all the promises you want, and you may or may not receive them, but if you mix them with Faith, they are yours, for that is God’s requirement.

Every word of God is pure, tested, and sure.  You only need one word from God to go all the way around the World.

It is based on the revelation, finding the treasure.  You may be able to have faith for something someone else might not, because it has been revealed to you.  You cannot have faith to buy the field another man bought, because, even if you did, you wouldn’t know about the treasure.

You must sell all, because the natural senses, the natural mind and intellect, work against faith.  For the flesh wars against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh.  They are in conflict with each other, so you cannot do what you want.  But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under law (Galatians 5:16-18).

But, it is always in joy that you sell, if you see it correctly.  The loss is not worth being compared with the gain.  If you have correctly discerned a word of the Lord, which you can do simply by examining it, and looking at it in the light.  What you gain, fair out weighs any loss.

Faith is the substance of the thing hoped for.

When you have a word from the Lord, you can step out into it.  You can eat it.  When you have the word of the Lord, you can trust it.  When you have the Word of the Lord, it is as sure as God Himself.

If you really learn faith, you cannot have true faith in a false word, for there is no substance.  You cannot stand on something that has no reality, you will have no solidity to your faith, it will be a grasping in the wind.  The way of the demon is to create fear and panic, and to keep the mind trapped in the natural.  But the way of faith sees above the principles of the world, above even all cosmic powers that run the universe, good or bad, and see the domain of God.

Faith, although not seen with the natural eyes, sees with the eyes of the heart (Ephesians 1:18), into the domain of Heaven, of God, and what is needed from Heaven appears.

Take for example, a passage from the Old Testament.  God doesn’t change, and He used the principle of Faith of Jesus even before He came.  In 2 Kings 3, when the army ran out of water, Elisha had them dig ditches in the valley.  Why ditches?  Because, as those ditches filled up with water supernaturally over night, the enemy army saw them, and saw them as blood.  This, the took, was a sign that Israel had come under confusion, and slaughtered themselves.  They sauntered down lazily to loot the bodies, and found Israel alive, ready, and waiting, and they were slaughtered.  But, why ditches?  Why is it that the enemy looked on, and it was as blood, but to the children of the Kingdom, it was life-giving water?  Because, as Elisha sought the Lord, the Lord allowed him to see a shadow of the Christ that was to come.  The stripes of Jesus’ back, filled with blood, flow for us with the life giving waters of His Spirit, for all of us who believe.  He is the Living Water, and by His stripes we were healed.  While the enemy looks on and assumes that destruction and death overtaken the camp and comes to plunder, God sends His resurrection, and routs the wicked.

Elisha, being a prophet, heard the Word from God, and, though he may not have understood that in his ditch-digging, He saw Jesus, the man of God entered into an agreement with Heaven, and Faith in the Son of Man, and was saved.

Really, this is no different than Moses building the Tabernacle.  We know the real tabernacle was Christ’s body.  He is our temple, and, as the chief cornerstone, we are built into one too.  But, everything of the Tabernacle pointed to the Lord.  He was our brazen altar sin offering.  He is our cleansing at the sea.  He is our bread of life, and the light of the world.  He is the chief intercessor and great High Priest.  He is that head of pure gold, that radiance of God’s glory, and the Merciful savior.  He is the New Covenant in His own blood.

When the Israelites entered into a Word of the Lord depicting Christ, they entered into the power of Christ.  Though He was not seen directly, even His shadow passing over them healed them.

Today, we are all given the Spirit, and it is not reserved for a few (Joel 2:28-32).  We are all “prophets”, in the sense that we all have been given the Spirit of prophecy, which is the Holy Spirit, even as Moses exclaimed (Numbers 11:29).

But, as we receive the word of the Lord, all else must yield to it.  Our own thoughts our own opinions, our own life.

Heaven and Earth will pass away, but His word will never pass away.  When His word is in you, you cannot be moved.  He has exalted His word above His name (Psalm 138:2).  His Word will never fail, and so long as you have true, active, living faith in His every Word, you will never fail.