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Happy All The Time

September 5th, 2011

You don’t have to live a life of anger. You don’t have to just accept it. Receive Jesus. Heed His warnings in Matthew 5:21-22. You’re in danger. Only Jesus saves. Live the life of Faith and, by obeying the truth, have your soul purified so you can actually love each other with a real, genuine, and love you can feel the warmth of. That’s what the goal of the gospel is… Faith expressing itself through Real love proceeding from a clean conscience… You can be free.

What if we took the Bible seriously for a change…
What if it meant what it said and said what it meant?

If you hate your brother, you’re liable to judgement.
If you say Raca, you’re liable to the council.
And if you say, You Fool, you’re in danger of the fires of hell.

Here’s a great place to start.

You can’t live the life of faith, and manifest these things.
You can’t manifest these things and be living the life of faith.

You won’t live or be living a life of happiness if you’re always bumping up against these things.
In fact, these very things will appear and point to where you are still living out of yourself.
The really awesome thing is they are universal
It always points to a place of unsurrendered self.

The wonderful thing is you don’t have to stay there!!
Now, you can’t do it yourself, but that’s why Jesus came!! To change us!!!
If you let Him into these places that still cause anger and such things…
Repenting of your sins…


He will Teach you how to live!!
You can’t do it yourself.
But God DID!
When you’re willing to let His word penetrate.
And convict you of your anger and your sin
You can live out of His Spirit within you.
And His live within you will outshine ever self effort you could ever produce..

You don’t have to live a life of anger, bitterness, and death.
You can be FREE!!!
Just confess your sin — Be Humble — Get rid of your old self.

Everything Matters
You Matter
Others Matter

When you think about the Absolute Happiness available to you, if you could just see it…
It would be an absolute waste not to step into it.
You could waste your entire life
Only because you didn’t ask for His Blood to cleanse you, for His Spirit to change you, and for His heart to love you.

Let your attitude show how you’re doing. Keep going, asking, believing…
Don’t give up to discouragement. See Jesus. Get Happy!